> the Texas Legislature has just passed a
> bill to charge $200 to all out of state title
> transfers to the state of
> Texas...
> I understand from a friend that
> lived in Florida in the
> 90's that this was done there as well and after 3
> years it was ruled
> unconstitutional and the money had to be refunded.
Yes, there was an $295 "impact fee" when I moved there
in 1991, plus an additional $100 new title fee.
Fortunately, my company reimbursed me for both my
cars. Then when it was refunded directly to me from
the state, I tried to return the $$$ to the large, $9
billion dollar defense company I worked for. Their
response was "it's too hard for us to figure out how
to take money back, what with all the paperwork
Sloth and largesse can be your friend, sometimes.
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