I thought that it was dead, ( actually, I was thinking bad ground ) but then
it showed signs of life. Originally, the wire was broken off the sender.
The sender is attached at the oil pressure connection.
Okay, I have to do some tracing. I went out and looked at 'the' sender to
be able to describe its location, and found two senders. One electric and
one mechanical. I don't have that many gauges.
Anyway, thanks for the info Daniel!
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From Daniel1312 at aol.com <Daniel1312@aol.com>
Date: May 27, 2001 4:54 AM
Subject: Oil Temp
>Maybe the gauge is bust? 78C+ is a normal running temperature, I get
>worried if I ever see a 100C on it. Parked outside my house on a hot day
>gauge will read more than 30C even if the engine has not been run.
>In a message dated 26/05/01 17:24:31 Pacific Daylight Time,
>RobertDuquette@Sympatico.ca writes:
><< My
> gauge starts to read at 30 C >>