Hello spridgets,
A thought that has been rattling around in the back
of my head for a couple of months... concerning the
"VALUE" of our "hobby"...
(as in aside, the car that went for $42,000 at barret
jackson was a rare 1961(?) two seat healey 3000, NOT
everyone on list seems to have chosen these cars out
of love and devotion, not because they are
"collectors".. most have had this, may i call it a
failing?, for a number of years.. some have had their
cars for well over 20.. and remember that they were
meant as throw-aways when originally built.. and sold
very inexepensivelly (cheap cars!!!) (WE) cannot
believe that as such they could EVER under any
circumstances become valuable.. but it seems they
HAVE.. despite our best efforts! This is not to say
that this guy isn't absolutely NUTZ.. i mean
$20,000.. come on... BUT...
i gave my nephew a ride in my 66.... and asked him..
hey.. what do YOU think this car is worth? he said
uh.. i'd have to guess $40,000!... .. to the
uninitiated they are "fancy, antique, collectible
cars.... and the reality is that they are worth what
someone is willing to pay.. whether it is $200 or
$20,000.. and the market is going up...
We should rejoice that WE already have ours, and the
parts are cheap and plentiful.. and easy to work on..
(since they ALWAYS need something!)
Best regards,
Bill mailto:pythias@pacifier.com