Chrome plating spokes tends to weaken them. That's one reason Dayton has been
using stainless for a long time. Stainless can be polished to a very high
and they will never rust. Just a slightly different color than chrome.
Paul A
Larry Macy wrote:
> Wheel, I have found out I can get my chrome wheels rechromed, problem is it
> costs $375 each for Midget wheels. And a 3-4 month wait. The salesperson
> told me me it was an easy decision ;-)
> But I have run across a conundrum. There are Dayton and Dunlop Wire Wheels.
> I think the Dunlops are made in India and the Daytons here in the US. I know
> Daniel suggested 5" wheels, but all I can find are 4.5"ers. The Daytons have
> stainless steel spokes, while I believe that the Dunlops have chromed
> spokes.
> Any thoughts on which is better?? I think the Daytons.
> I have not ruled out the Minilites, just still gathering more info for a
> better informed decision.
> Larry
> PS thanks to all the replies so far. But I have wire wheel hubs and the bolt
> ons are not really an option at this time.
> At this exact moment in time 5/15/01 3:53 PM, "Larry Macy"
> <> made the profound statement:
> > I am thinking on looking for some new wheels for my Midget.
> >
> > Suggestions, Rational and Irrational Thoughts, Unwanted Opinions, and
> > cleverly disguised sarcastic comebacks are all welcome and will be dealt
> > with appropriately.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Larry
> Larry Macy
> 78 Midget
> Keep your top down and your chin up
> Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
> System Administrator/Manager
> Neuropsychiatry Section
> Department of Psychiatry
> University of Pennsylvania
> 3400 Spruce St. - 1015 Gates
> Philadelphia, PA 19104
> Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a
> question and you're a fool for the rest of your life.