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Re: feelin' blue

To: RobertDuquette@Sympatico.ca, spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: feelin' blue
Date: Sat, 28 Apr 2001 23:59:36 FILETIME=[474D76F0:01C0D03F]
According to my Haynes 'Weber, Zenith-Stromberg, and SU' book, you take the 
spark plug out and screw the tester into the cylinder (there is another type 
that you hold over the hole--not recommended by the book).  Then, you take 
the HT lead that goes to the dizzy and ground against the engine.  Finally, 
you bump the starter a couple of times to read the pressure.  It says if 
there is a difference greater than 14 to 21 p.s.i. between the cylinders, 
you need to work on the engine.  It also gives a reading of what it should 
not be below, but I can't remember (I'm doing this from memory--trying to be 
like Frank--maybe in another 20 years).

>There has been no compression test done by me or for me.  Is this where I'm
>going?  I don't own a tester.  Hopefully they come with instructions.
>Robert Duquette


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