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Fw: Header Coating

To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Fw: Header Coating
Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2001 19:46:44 -0700
>I had my maniflow LCB direct shipped by APT to be jet hot coated last year,
>if they coat a new header they guarantee it aginst rust out for life.  So
>far it has 7k miles in the car and still looks as if installed yesterday,
>hasn't discolored at all.  I got the silver/nickel that almost looks to be
>chrome.  I can't comment on their claim to reduce the temp under the
>but it sure doesn't show on the temp gauge.  Cost was $150 and the turn
>around was about 1 week.  Would I do it again, you bet, but I don't have to
>as it should outlast me. Everything else I ever tried never lasted past the
>first time the header got hot.
>        Crash
>>Is there a spray coating available that
>>will coat a header and not burn off due to the extreme heat?   The header
>>installed had black paint that burnt off in the first 20 minutes, and now
>>there is a fairly even coat of thin rust on it.  Is there a spray can
>>application available for this purpose?
>>Thanks for input.
>>--David C.

///  (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)

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