"Kent J. Miller" wrote:
> How many times have you bit your tongue while some bozo tells you how rare
> this or that part is while trying to convince you that it is worth the
> exorbinate amount that he/she wants?
Don't you know it!! I argued with a guy at the Pate swap meet who was telling me
that his "B" steering wheel was the same thing as the Midgets had. He had worked
on them since 63 and he knew EVERYTHING there was to know about these cars. I
walked away without buying a thing from this IDIOT!!
Bruce Lowry, is Pate gonna be up and running on Thursday?? That is when I want
chuck christ and WFO Herb, you had made mention last year to wanting those lead
shot filled leather bags for bodywork. Still interested??? Brad
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)