Let me save you some time. 759 of those messages express the opinion that
Japanese cars are inferior to _________ (insert favorite country or make
here) cars.
In a message dated 3/31/01 3:19:46 AM, writes:
<<i have just got home from a long awaited family vacation to disney! 834
messages here after deleting spam and a few i saw i was not interested. it
will take me a few days to catch up and get up to speed on what's going on.
if there is anything pressing please email me directly and i will attempt to
get right to it....ok? 3:07am saturday. left savannah ga. at 10:30am
friday after touring the 8th airforce memorial / museum. drove all the way
home and got here about 2:30am. i'm exhausted from driving (wife refuses
to drive my 79 chevy van, wich btw! now has 307,000 miles on it after this
journey ). it really has been quite a day!
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)