> Could someone please tell me if Keith Brading's "Frogeye Car Company" on the
> Isle of Wight is still a going operation? If so, contact information would
> be appreciated. If not, I'd be curious to know whatever happened to it.
> Thanks very much.
> Cheers,
> Reid Trummel
> Tampa, Florida
If my memory is correct, he stopped making the kits about 5 years ago,
and then started making complete Frogeye's. These were all shipped to
Japan as they were crazy about British cars. There was a new law that
allowed kit/custom car manufactures to make a limited amount of complete cars
(~50 a year) without the need to go through full crash testing and a
"type certification", hence the complete cars.
Don't know what has happened - if you want I can call a friend in the UK
who used to be a "dealer" for his kits.
When I left the UK last year - I noticed there were ads in the Austin Healey
club mag for another forgeye kit - which I belive was a metal body built
on a Mini sub frame.
/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)