As Chuck said it was a fun time, both meeting the
faces that go with the eamil names as well as digging
through all of the parts. I wish I could have gone to
lunch, but the other half of my family was expecting
me for lunch at King of Prussia. I got a number of tid
bits for the sprite (A Crane pointless ignition kit,
wiper motor bracket, and a set of 1-1/2 inch carbs and
intake. Now I need to find some one to shorten the
intake). I am looking forward to meeting more of the
list at Carlisle in May. I also got reinspired today
to get of my hind end and finish my car - hopefully by
May Carlisle.
Best Regards,
John Holliday
67 Fproduction Street Sprite
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/// (If they are dupes, this trailer may also catch them.)