I'd like to weigh in on this subject...
High school, 1970 to 1974 (Damn I'm old...)
My first car was a '48 Plymouth Special Deluxe Club Coupe. I sold it to
buy a '64 Triumph Spitfire. Upon ownership of that piece of shit for 6
months, I determined that calling it a "car" was being far too generous.
When a truck ran it over, I was happy.
A friend of my father's had told him of a car that he'd bought from his
nephew... a 1959 Healey 100-6 BN6 from California. My brother had an
MGB, which was my inspiration for the aforementioned Triumph... so Dad
was really thinking of brother Don when this was mentioned. Well,
brother Don was out of state, the summer of '73 when this guy calls and
says "I've got this car your father said you might be interested in". I
had no idea what he was talking about, but I remembered Healeys from
"Observer's Book of Automobiles", and said" sure. I'll take a look".
When he rolled it out of the garage, it was instant 'wood" on my part.
He let me test drive it... and as I drove through Libertyville, a 914-6
came up along side of me. They kind of gave me that "let's go" look..
and I didn't even downshift...just punched it in 3rd and dusted them. A
stop at the Savings and Loan to withdraw college money, and the car was
mine. Brother Don has never forgiven me... but when opportunity
So, almost 28 years later, that puppy is still in my garage. It's had
it's dormant times... lack of money, lack of time, lack of a clue...
whatever. While it was not my first, it is what I consider to be my high
school car, and all these years later, I am so glad to still own it.