I've got to do a complete brake job this summer anyway, so I had to ask the Two
Dollar Dumb Question (TM), why not DOT3? The BL manual I have *specifically*
mentions that it's OK to use DOT3 on the '75-'79 Midget. Is the manual wrong? I
haven't checked Haynes yet - mine hasn't arrived as it's on backorder.
Not that using DOT4 is a problem, but at this point I have no ideas what's
actually in the Midget's hydraulic systems...
Chris King - cbking@alum.rpi.edu
'79 Midget 1500
'00 Saturn SW2 (Midget parts hauler)
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From Ajhsys at aol.com
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2001 13:05:38 EST
>In a message dated 2/14/01 1:44:06 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>Tommy_Samuels@markivauto.com writes:
>> The time has come to rebuild the master cyclinder
>> DPO used silicone fluid here and in brakes. How can I get rid of silicone
>> and
>- - - - - - - - - - - - -
>Rebuild everything and replace all rubber parts in all wheel cylinders,
>calipers, proportioning valve, and MC, and replace flex hoses. Flush all
>tubing with alcohol and dry with compressed air. Just rebuilding the MC is
>not enough. Fill with Castrol GT LMA or equivilant DOT 4 fluid, NOT DOT 3.
>Bleed, and bleed, and bleed.
>It sounds like a lot, but it's good practice! :-)
>Safety Fast!
>Allen Hefner
>SCCA Philly Region Rally Steward
>'77 Midget
>'92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport