A good idea for all of us!
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Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 20:50:45 -0500
From Ann and Tim Buja <buja at compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: Theft Alert!
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Louis Juhasz wrote:
> Just wanted to advise that that sometime during the past week, custom
> wheels and tires were stolen off my TR7 parked in the condo underground
> parking lot in Vancouver, Canada.
> So if you hear of these wheels being available, I would appreciate being
> advised.
> I appeal for any thoughts or suggestions on avoiding this occurrence in
> the future.
I don't want to make light of what's happened to Louis, but those of you
contemplating the purchase of custom wheels might want to consider taping
a copy of your driver's license to the inside of the wheel along with a note
stating something like "If the person seeking new tires for these wheels
is not the person identified on the driver's license, please contact the
police as these wheels are stolen property". The note should be protected
from the weather by the tire, and you should eventually get your property
Tim Buja - Rockford, Illinois, USA - 80 TR8, 73 Stag, 72 TR6