Cosmoline does not harden. It is and will stay just like when you
applied for at least 100 years. It is the best preservative for mechanical
devices I've seen yet as I have many WW1 and WW2 bolt action rifles that I
bought in the armorer's wrap filled with cosmoline in every crevice of the
gun. It was easily removed with Hoppe's #9 or just plain heat would make it
run off. You can get it from Brownell's, a gunsmith supply that sells to the
Here's the link:
Mike MacLean-60 Sprite
Gerard Chateauvieux wrote:
> When asking for suggestions for preserving my leaf springs, someone
> suggested trying cosmoline. I've since come to learn that this is used to
> preserve cars and engines for transportation... and also for guns. (Sorry,
> but I think I'm about to start a gun thread... but not intentionally).
> Since, for some strange reason, I think there are a few gun enthusiasts on
> the list, I thought I might get some opinions or sources of this product.
> An internet search revealed tons of references/questions for removal, but
> that's about it.
> I had the impression cosmoline remained in an oily-waxey state, but some
> info I read leads me to believe it dries hard.
> Is this a practical solution? Is the stuff safe to use? (no jokes about as
> safe as the persons hands it's in)
> anonymous
> --
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