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Re: Car for Sale in Penn.

To: <b-evans@ix.netcom.com>
Subject: Re: Car for Sale in Penn.
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 11:29:00 -0500
Cc: "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
References: <B677FC13.4B41%macy@bblmail.psycha.upenn.edu> <3A52A4D6.3282CD34@ix.netcom.com>
----- Original Message -----from

> A reserve price is  known only to the seller and to the auction
house.  >

Not quite. At a "real" car auction the schills in the audience
also know the reserve. It's their job to drive the bidding (or
frenzy) to just under the reserve and then hope a "real" bidder
who got sucked along then steps over the reserve line.

When you go to enough auctions it's easy to spot and fun to watch.
The schills can either be "working" for the seller or for the
auction house.

Mike L.

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