----- Original Message -----
From Christopher M West <chris_west at juno.com>
To: <rob@thomasr.greatxscape.net>
Sent: 19 November 2000 23:46
Subject: Re: 2 amps, or nor 2 amps? THAT is the question...
> Since you are going to all the trouble to do this work, why don't you
> improve on the factory and fuse the headlamp circuit? I had a short in
> an unfused headlamp circuit in another car and it almost melted down the
> whole loom.
> Chris
> "60 Mk.1 et al.
Due to the way the relays are wired, the loom is protected as far down as
the relay box, about 8-inches from the first headlight. The wiring from the
switch to the relay carries less than 1 amp to actuate the relay, so is
unlikely to suffer. The relay itself would be the first thing to blow as
the wiring downstream is rated at 60+amps continuous whilst the relay dies
at 40 amps. The bulbs draw 22 amps at max. I totally agree that fused
lamps are a good idea but I had to decide whether I could trust the relays
to do their jobs, against the likelihood of the fuses getting wet from the
front wheels and corroding( as I couldn't find waterproof fuseblocks. If I
ever find some, I will use them. )
Thanks for the suggestion.