In a message dated 11/03/2000 10:33:07 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:
> My
> question, are braking techniques on ice the same with ABS as without?, or
> you lock them up and let the ABS do it's thing?
> Larry Miller
Good luck Larry,
I recently had my first experience with ABS actually working on the wife's
Tahoe. We were coming to a RR crossing, a new one with some sort of black
substance (rubber?) between the rails to make it smooth, and it had just
showered. Now moisture is a rare thing here and I perhaps braked a little
late, but when we hit the crossing we slid right across it in a straight
line, my foot firmly on the peddle, and came to a smooth stop just past the
rails. No train was coming and the barriers were up,.
Apparently the ABS was modulating the brakes so they did not lock up and we
did not slew to either side as might have happened, but it's truly a strange
feeling. I haven't noticed any difference in snow, but perhaps that's
because we are usually in 4WD and moving realtively slow.
Let me know how yours works.
RH..via con Dios.