When he starts reading the messages the "Cat" will be out of the bag,
so we need to keep him guessing at the content on a variety of subject
lines, then he will not know what they contain until he clicks on
them. Hey it is the volume of messages that we are after so flood them
in to him personally.
Remember " It's the thought that counts and not the gift". LOL
----- Original Message -----
From "Steven Fooshee" <sfooshee at home.com>
Cc: "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Sent: Friday, November 03, 2000 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: Keep your guns down out there - 2
Brad Pace wrote:
> Yeah, then he cannot just hover over the delete button and they need
> to have different sender IDs too. So whats a good theme?
> Brad
I don't recall, did he mention where he was going? Perhaps we could
work around
a local theme.
I what way are we assuming that he'll get all the "welcome back"
without seeing how difficult it was for us to organize this little
charade? I
think we'd have a hard time matching the message volume we've
generated trying
to think up ways to generate message volume. :)
'87 RX-7 TII: Burns oil (because it's designed to).
'90 GS-500E: Doesn't burn oil (good engine design).
MCMLXIX Sprite: Doesn't burn oil (combustion temperature too low).
Where are we going? And what's with this handbasket?