ok-ok! broke my left middle finger hooking up my trailer tuesday night
getting ready to head up to the glen! i offended more waitresses and toll
booth attendants in 5 days than i could hope to offend intentionally in a
life time! and by the way! try giving someone thumbs up with your middle
finger in a splint! (lol! i see you are doing it right now to see what i
mean! he-he-he!) so if thumbs up means good and good luck......we have
decided that thumbs up with an added middle finger is f...ing good luck.!
it really was quite funny dealing with my socially challenged finger
evrywhere we went, but it really was well recieved by most. and i just
made a joke of it and laughed it off and all was forgiven by most(2
irritible waitresses seemed to think it was a fabrication to offend or get
attention....boo-hoo on them! no sense of humor!)
how much it hurt, and exactly where i did what? let's not get into that.
but it really hurt! tears in my eyes big time!.........me-ouch! (semi cat