> I don't know anything, or know of anyone who has done this.
I know it can be done, and I know it's been done.
Here's what I know:
The Spitfire J-type overdrive tranny bolts right up to
the engine. (same engine of course) so I bought one of those:
...this is the first step in fiscal irresponsability. These
puppies are NOT cheap, I looked for a long time hoping
to find a cheap one and finally just gave up and bought
a "fair priced" one.
What else I know:
There is a place in the UK that sells kits to do this
conversion. The kit includes a new front crossmember, a
cutting template, a speedo cable and instructions.
MG enthusiast did a review of a car that had been converted
with this kit, but the article was very high level and really
just talked about rev reductions and such and the basic
operation of an overdrive, no installation details.
I decided not to buy the kit, too much money and too far
to ship, so I'll have a go at it.
All research seems to say I'll have to:
#1 - Expand the tranny tunnel to make it fit. Apparently the
amount of expansion is very small, I heard that you could do
it with a hammer if you chose to, but I'll take a section out
and weld it back in with more clearance.
#2 - Make a new front crossmember. No idea what's involved
there, I'll make it when I have it apart.
#3 - Rear mounts? Nobody mentioned it, so maybe they work.
#4 - Prop shaft? Unsure on this one. Spitfire guys need a
new propshaft, but they have a solid axle-to-chassis joint
and perhaps no sliding joint on the propshaft? Perhaps our
sliding joint will take up the slack? I'll see. I can get
mine cut down locally and rebalanced. I'll need to see
the old and new tranny side by side to see how much longer
the O/D is.
#5 - Wiring. No big deal, the spit tranny overdrive switch
is in the knob, so most wiring is trivial and self contained.
I'm also doing a new clutch while I have it all apart, and
new engine mounts. Why even pretend this is fiscally responsible?
The total cost of this for me is probably going to be
around $1000 US. However, my tranny is kind of worn and my
clutch shudders, so that actual price difference between
installing overdrive and just doing repairs for me is only
around $700.
When finished I should have a pretty nice Midget. It's already
nice, but it'll be fresh engine, twin SUs, overdrive, and
I'm doing minor bodywork and a respray this winter.
I'll be one of those guys saying "1975 Midget, $20,000 invested,
asking $19,999" and then eventually settling for $2500!
> Please please please please take LOTS of pictures and well
> document the job for those of us who plan on doing it in the future.
No problem there, have a look at my site, especially the MGB
and Magnette restoration sections. If I change my
fuel pump I put three pics on my website, this'll be a hard
drive full. ;>
> Have you a low light video camera and a spare tape? <grin>
Actually I do, I have one of those Sony Digital8 cameras
with 0 Lux nightvision and infrared light source. Makes everyone
look possessed but takes film in total darkness.
Trevor Boicey, P. Eng.
Ottawa, Canada,
ICQ #17432933
"200 channels, and nothing but cats." - Jasper