Following the guidance in Dan Stapleton's "How To
Powertune Your Sprite Midget For Road and Track", I
tried full radius ram pipes in my Bugeye tonight.
The difference in the engine's willingness to rev over
4000 RPM was sweet (this is a street car that will
pull 6500-7000 easy). The car felt smoother
throughout the entire range, actually, but top end
breathing was incredibly improved. Frank, you gotta
do this. Peter, now you REALLY gotta drive the car.
I did not optimally set them up either, as I was
initially hesitant to cut the original's sleeve per
Stapleton's instructions (the part that goes into the
carb body). I will now. It was breathing so well I
thought I might be too lean, but the plugs looked OK.
I had to cut my test ride short as it's late, I have a
generator with anemic headlights, and the deer were
out in force. Buy the book for an explanation of how
to do the mod. You will need an oval K&N (if you're
using a K&N) with some easy mods to the backplate.
Piece of cake mod, great results.
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