I too am NOT a fan of Bosch Platinum plugs. But I am currently using
these nifty 4 electrode jobs I picked up from Peter C
And I find my Sprite to be much more responsive and peppier with them.
I do not know the long term side effects if any so use them at your own
All I can say is I like em! There is no listing for our cars, they are
for later German cars but they fit, work, are platinum, have 4
electrodes, and make a definate improvement.
I may be burning holes in my pistons but they are worth it.
Daniel1312@aol.com wrote:
> I am sure that I have heard bad things about Bosch Platinium plugs. Most
> important and most neglected thing though, is to get the temperature range of
> the plug correct.
> In a message dated 15/08/00 18:40:23 GMT Daylight Time, RBHouston@aol.com
> writes:
> << And is there any issues with BOSCH Platinum plugs?