I have a 59 Sprite with exactly the same problem. I now also need to
how to put my fuel gauge back together. If you sort this out please let me
Hey, anybody know how a fuel gauge is supposed to look on the inside. I
have a fine copper wire on the left side that now appears to go nowhere.
For the record, in my case, the fuel sender is new, the wire harness is
new, and the gauge was checked out.
I would appreciate any useful info.
At 11:03 08-08-00 -0400, Phil Profili wrote:
>Does anyone happen to know whether the early and later fuel level sender
>units are essentially the same, electrically?
>I have a 66 Sprite, and bought the later style sender unit (as it was
>considerably cheaper, and the sales person assured me it was the same). The
>Moss catalogue lists the one that I have for HAN9-72040 to 71. Mine is a
>HAN8 car.
>When I connected the fuel gauge, the needle just banged to the top. Could I
>have a short somewhere, or is the sender not compatible with my (original)
>Phil Profili
>P.S. Thanks to those who replied to me regarding my seat belt question.
The Journey, not the destination, becomes a source of wonder.
(Loreena McKennitt - liner notes - 'The Book of Secrets')