If the lame questions didn't tip you off, the writing style should have...
England my a... nevermind...
At 2:09 PM -0500 8/4/00, Wm. Severin Thompson wrote:
>It amazes me how not only some people fell for that, but then there's always
>some sanctimonious asshole's who's got to ream us because he doesn't get the
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <mgraziano@mindspring.com>
>To: <spridgets@autox.team.net>
>Sent: Friday, August 04, 2000 1:45 PM
>Subject: Re: Lots of help now
>> Richard Hed my ass. Christ, what a pain. Some day a real person with a
>screwed up name will get on the list and ask real questions and we'll all
>either ignore him, or make fun of him. All except the new people, who
>wouldn't have been desensitized yet.
>> Mike
>> RichHed99@aol.com wrote:
>> > Hello to Sprites and Midgets,
>> I have had lots of help now and kind replies. Some things still confuse
>> Lots of questions so here are some answers and more questions.
>> I live in Lowestoft which is by the sea where in England do you all come
>> from? Who is Connie Lingus? I have heard of Aer Lingus but I don't think
>> they fly out from Norwich airport. My car has a seat in the back but it
>> not fit very well do you think it is not proper to the car? The carb has
>> square openings like I said before but is roundy inside. It had like
>> flaps that I thought would stopp the petrol getting in so I have thrown
>> away now. It is not roundy like the carb on my old chevette. What is a
>> choke some one said about chokes isn't this a knob you pull on the
>> Where can I get teh Sprite and Midget book I did not see it in WH Smiths.
>> Someone suggested a lot of strange stuff about SUVs, torches and things I
>> not understandd was this a joke? I only udderstood the bit about the
>> Forklift truck dealer. I have a friend who has a chevette and drives a
>> furklift at a warehouse he send the tyres will not fit on my wheels. What
>> stock? Stock means cows and pigs to me. Hello to Ben! Are the you the
>> Ben that that had a Austin Oxford near Fazakerly? Who is Rex, Rex is a
>> for a dog. I had a lot of replies with complicated words inthem, how can
>> learn all this stuff about B-arms and Webers what every they are. I
>> at under the back of the car and see lots of metal bars and stuff but it
>> no sense to me. When I drive the car the back end really comes wide like
>> go sideways down the raod, do I have steering trouble? The brakes dont
>> to good on this car, not as good as my chevettes were. Bill my friend who
>> still has a chevette says to use Silicont brakes. What does he mean I got
>> confused I thought silicont was sticky stuff you put on house window
>> if I put in on the brakes will they stick on more and stop the car
>> Richard (my friends call me Richie)
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