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Re: lbc-us lackus

To: "Charles Christ" <cfchrist@earthlink.net>, "Spridgets" <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: lbc-us lackus
Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2000 02:01:32 -0400
Chuck, you really need to start finding a new subject line for your 
off-LBC posts. I mean how many times can you use "lbc-us lackus" before 
the list maniacs figure it out???? A filter on LBC wuold catch that and 
then ?????


BOCultist extrodinaire

>>>>On 7/27/00 7:58 PM so and so (Charles Christ) said. (And I quote:)

>boc?  way cool!  but like what ever became of bebop deluxe , budgie ans
>crack the sky?  let alone charlie and the amazing groundhogs!  good thing i
>don't have a lot of albums here!  lol!
>back from the candy store!  *urp*...pardon me?....  :)

Larry Macy
78 Midget

Keep your top down and your chin up.

Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104

 Ask a question and you're a fool for three minutes; do not ask a 
question and you're a fool for the rest of your life. 

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