Finally I have finished putting in the Geo Metro rad in my '66 Midget.
It took a little cutting but fit in very well. It seems to be working
just runs about 180-190 F. I still have to install an electric
fan on the front as the old one did not fit back on with the top
radiator hose where it is. Since I never really drove the car (this is
my first Midget) before this it is hard to say how bad it was before.
I have been having a great time the last two days because I have been
able to drive it for a few miles! And that is when I satrt to see all
the little problems..
The generator seems to be putting out 12.2 volts. This is a positive
ground car. The voltage regulator is a rusted crusty piece...I think I
would rather spend the money on an alternator than trying to fix all
this other stuff. I am spending alot of time fixing the car up and just
want it to be dependable and to run good. I am not trying to keep it
stock appearing.
The suspension seems to need lots of help. It is very "bouncy". When
you push down on the fender it pushes down easily. It seems to me that
the coil springs are tired? Does this sound like the culprit?
The tach is not reading correctly-about 4000 at idle and pegs when
revved up.
The brake lights are not working- Are the pressure switches reliable?
Thanks in advance!!
Charles Markham
1966 MG Midget Positive Earth!