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Re: Ladies on The List and LBC

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Ladies on The List and LBC
Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2000 12:20:15 +1000
Well, this is one lady who's still here, even if I've been getting a little
caught up lately.  But it's probably an appropriate time to mention the
great weekend I spent with Ebony.  On Saturday she finally got an overdue
oil change (could the filter be in a more inconvenient position - don't
answer that), a clutch adjustment and I swapped the spare tire back off
after getting a hole fixed.  Sadly, she's starting to go through the oil -
it looks like there's a few seals on the way out.  The clutch had been
slipping and I hoped the adjustment would do the trick.  It's improved, but
still there when I'm trying to accelerate up hills.  Sunday I took her to a
local car show and was rewarded for my cleaning efforts by the nice
comments I overheard and the young father who took a photo of his daughter
in front of the car.  I got to meet another couple who have just bought a
MkIIa and are looking forward to fixing it up.  There were some beautiful
vintage and veteran cars there, and some Austin 7's, a magnificent 3000,
one MGB and several TC's.  It was a superb sunny day and the people were
friendly - a great end to the weekend.

For what it's worth, I'm not planning on going anywhere - there's too many
friendly, helpful people here to talk to.  Sometimes an email will come
across my screen that I don't much fancy, but there's always the delete
key.  I don't find the conversation too 'blokey' and it doesn't feel like a
boys club.  I've gotta say, it's also reassuring to see the odd post from a
fellow lady Spridgeteer.  It's all good :)

Leigh Ellen
'62 MkII Sprite - Ebony

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