> My guess would be a small piece of dirt in the carb, or a fouled
> Allen Hefner
> SCCA Philly Region Rally Steward
> '77 Midget
> '92 Mitsubishi Expo LRV Sport
Reminds me of a joke.
Police car stops beside an old lady in a Mini that has broken down by the
side of the road. She winds down the window as he approaches and asks him
if he can help.
"Certainly Madam" he says as he pulls open the bonnet (yeah!
alright....Hood) and starts to play with the engine. After a few moments he
calls to her to try the engine again and to her surprise it starts.
"Thank-you officer" she says, " What got it running then?"
"Just a little 5h1t in the carburettor" says the cop, wiping the muck off of
his hands.
She looks at him with shock on her face. "Just shows how little I know
about cars, I thought you were meant to put oil in there"