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Planets in Alignment Causing LBC Problems?

To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: Planets in Alignment Causing LBC Problems?
Date: Sat, 6 May 2000 08:15:10 EDT
The planets were aligned yesterday, as I understand it.  That was supposed to 
bring on all kinds of catastrophe, like tornadoes, etc.  Well it did!  But in 
a subdued way.  Seems like everything on my Midget is breaking--I think it is 
the planet alignment!   Within a 24 hour period of time, my driver's side 
window crank broke off, my emergency brake cable or handle broke (not sure 
which  yet), and something in the key ignition screwed up so the car won't 
run when it springs back to running position--it breaks electrical contact--I 
have to turn it just a bit further to make contact so it will run.  WHEW!

I'm gonna have to retire to take care of this car.  <G>

--David C.

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