Jay and Dan:
The Bridgeport area shop is American Dry Stripping. They are represented at
lots of
swap meets and shows, and their reputation is top notch. But, I found this guy
in Jay's
hometown who does all the same stuff, and I think for less money. I have seen
of his work, like in using plastic media to remove layers of paint on a Shelby
but leaving the primer. The restorer on that job thought it important. The
guy, whose name I don't recall, is part of Saviteer Monument Works on Cherry
Street, or
Cherry Street Extension, something like that.
type79@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> Jim and Dan,
> In the Poughkeepsie area, I would contact Gabe at Highland Automotive for
> Dan, I don't know if Gabe does this himself or hires it out. If he does, I am
> he would give you the name of the shop.
> In CT, I believe there is a shop in Bridgeport that uses various media and
>claims to
> be able to blast even the most delicate aluminum without distortion. I don't
> the name but you "Can let your finger do the walking..." etc. etc.
> Jay Fishbein
> Somewhere in Wallingford, CT
> "And what's all this then about media blasting?!?!" with apologies to Emily