my 73 RWA wire wheel Midget fit ...just! The inside wall of the tires
end up sitting just up against the inner vertical lips of the two
It does fit just fine through. On a u-haul trailer, I suggest you add
something onto the rear end of the trailer to balance it a little.
The car is short enough that most of the weight of the car and trailer
end up on the hitch and the ass end of the tow vehicle.
Paul Tegler
OBie - '73 BGT - daily driver
Punkin' - '78 Spitfire - corner ripping screamer
Lil' Greenee - '73 RWA Midget - lady killer
-----Original Message-----
From Valentine <valntine at>
To: woodrat <>
Cc: sprite list <>
Date: Thursday, March 09, 2000 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: auto transporter
Larry and list,
Sombody send Larry the mesurements for a wire wheel car, please.
Larry, go to a Uhaul dealer near you (not the one you rented from) and
measure the tracks on the trailor, (just to put your mind at ease).
Just tell them you want to see if your "stock car" will fit for future
It will fit, I've done it....wire wheels and all (1963 Midget).
woodrat wrote:
> I have my phaser shields goes once again: leaving central
> Florida Saturday AM for Carolina to pick up 70 Midget with wire wheels.
> Reservation for Uhaul auto transporter to haul "Ford escort". After I get
> there and pick up the transporter, if the Midget doesnt fit Im out $197.
> Paranoia running in my family, I reread the archives and consensus is it
> will just fit. BUT....reading about wire wheel conversion....seems track on
> wire wheel car may be 3/4" tighter than steel wheels. Am I getting "wrapped
> round the axle" here? Has anyone used Uhaul with wires successfully? Dont
> mean to get everyone stirred up again but hate the thought of being 600
> miles from home, on a tight schedule and have no options....and loosing the
> rental fee.