What you have are the orignal Bugeye side curtains. They originally had vinyl
sewn around the frame with clear plastic for a window. They had a snap at the
lower rear corner so that you could unsnap the vinyl and open the window far
enough to get your hand in and open the door latch. I still have a set
somewhere out in my garage.
If you have Horler's "Original Sprite & Midget" there is a picture of these side
curtains on page 22.
Glen Byrns wrote:
> While visiting with the only other local bugeye owner, he gave me a pair of
> very old side curtains for a bugeye. They are simple iron frames to which
> plastic was apparently glued. In no way are they intended for any kind of
> sliding plastic panels. One still had a sheet of plastic wrapped around the
> frame. Imagine a thick baggie stretched over a coat hanger. If they were
> homebrew, then the metal work was very well done, the welded on brakets fit
> the bugeye mounting screws perfectly.
> does anyone know anything about these? My first inclination is to cut and
> fit thin sheets of Plexiglass (1/8") and pop rivet or silicone them to the
> frames for some passable but unopenable sidecurtains to last me until
> something better cones along.
> Regards, Glen Byrns