Unless I am mistaken, MOSS (UK) don't make body parts and never have.
British Heritage make some body parts which are usually quite good. Other
body parts are made by companies that well, make body parts - Quinton Hazel
(or whatever they are called) used to retail body repair panels.
Remember the name on the packaging is not always the name of the manufacturer
who may sub contract the work anyway?
So does it matter who makes the parts? Back to the original question does it
matter if MOSS (UK) go bust. Moss just exploited a healthy market that
already existed. Moss are able to do that because some owners let them and
there are lot of cars.
In a message dated 12/01/00 23:56:15 GMT Standard Time, DLancer7676@cs.com
<< Most of my body parts came from a Moss Supplier and they are all high
quality, British-Made, strong parts. And I am not talking about a stray
piece here and there--I am talking complete floor, both rockers, A-posts,
A-post skins, rear fenders, frame cross member, and various smaller patches
here and there. Fit good, and look good. And I ordered these when I first
got the car and really didn't know the difference. >>