Martyn, Jamie et al:
Look in Horler's book "Original Sprite and Midget" for a very good color
picture of the original Donald Healey Motor Company wheel. They are just
about impossible to find now. If you have one, complete with hub (very
important), it would be worth well over $1000 in good condition. Even poor
condition ones are worth $500-$750. (on eBay multiply by a factor of five).
Brian Archer Garages in England manufacture a complete replica Sebring
(Sprinzel) Sprite in fiberglass using the molds taken off an original car.
They also reproduce the steering wheel, seats, side screens etc. All hand
made. I have the catalog and I believe the wheel will set you back $600 or
so. Both the Sprinzel autobiography and the recent series of articles in
Healey magazine talk about Archer's Garage.
You have to remember that there were quite a few after market steering
wheels available for the Sprite. Most of them are no longer in business. Les
Leston is one that comes to mind. One day one of us will have the time and
energy to catalog them all! Right after that we will repeat the procedure
for aftermarket bonnets.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martyn Ridley []
> Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 8:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: Wood Wheel - Frogeye
> Does anybody know the real specs for the optional wood wheel used by
> Healeys in their works and semi works cars. I don't believe it to be the
> Moto-Lita because it has to be mounted so that the 3rd spoke is straight
> up
> and this puts the moto-lita label upside down (which is not what I would
> have expected of the company).
> I know there have been some so called 'repros' about but don't know for
> sure what to look for.
> Thanks for your assistance,
> Martyn
> PS: Frogeye is now green, (was red, originally blue, ownership said it was
> white.) Good chance I will drive it in 2000.
> The Journey, not the destination, becomes a source of wonder.
> (Loreena McKennitt - liner notes - 'The Book of Secrets')