Hey!? Why didn't you put it in the trailer? It would make for a cooler
car!!! :)
Robert D.
-----Original Message-----
From: PaulM <pmetzger@top.monad.net>
To: spridgets@autox.team.net <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Date: December 11, 1999 8:48 AM
Subject: the great midget caper (Was: spridget transporting with a dolly,
>hello again listers,
> i'd like to thank all for their comments and advice about dolly
>transport. most of what needed to be done was common sense stuff, but
>it was much more reassuring to try it after culling the collective
>wisdom of the list.
> it ended up being a 16 hour/one day adventure, with mission
>accomplished. the biggest challenge was breaking loose the rusted
>bolts at the universal to remove the prop shaft (marvel penetrating
>oil is a wonderful product!). had to hacksaw one bolt that was an
>offsize replacement and really seized. an especially fun task with all
>the elbow room under there (on a dirt driveway during a rainstorm, no
> had no problems with the rear end bottoming out as someone had
>warned. the whole unit tracked very well, even at thruway speed. i
>drive tractor trailer for a living, and it took some time to get used
>to pulling something this small! i'm used to looking in the mirror and
>seeing a 48' refrigerated trailer, and knowing exactly where it is.
>this was different, to say the least.
>thanks again to everyone,
>now to push it into the cellar and do some serious dismantling,
>PaulM wrote:
>> hi gang,
>> i nailed down the '69 midget rust bucket on ebay over the
weekend. in
>> the tradition of 'we tight', i'm considering dragging it the 225 miles
>> from syracuse, ny to keene, nh with a tow dolly.
>paul metzger
>keene, nh
>'59 bugeye (target)
>'60 bugeye (organ donor)
>a cellar floor filled with parts boxes.