About a month ago several people were interested in how I had wired up the 2
speed windscreen wiper motor in my Midget to work from a simple two position
toggle switch, and even got the elusive auto park to work as well. Having done
this a year ago I couldn't remeber the details of what connected to what.
I had started retracing the wiring several weekends ago, but when I sat down a
week later to draw up a tidy wiring diagram to put up on the web, what I had
traced didn't make sense as it didn't look like it could work. So it was back
for another attempt which only showed my sketch as being right. Anyway, I
finally got it sorted out in my mind and have put the wiring diagram and an
explanation of how it works on a web page at:
But remember, if you decide to start hacking into your cars wiring as a result
of the information on my web site, you are doing so of your own choice and at
your own risk.
Eriks Skinkis