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Re: Autographed valve cover

To: "Dave O'Neill" <dave_oneill138@hotmail.com>, MidgetSpriteClub <midgetspriteclub@listbot.com>, Spridget List <spridgets@autox.team.net>
Subject: Re: Autographed valve cover
From: Jim Algar <JamesA@hi-torque.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Nov 1999 16:47:48 -0700
References: <19991102205038.51195.qmail@hotmail.com>
Reply-to: Jim Algar <JamesA@hi-torque.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net

And to answer (belatedly) your question about my Sprite's "autographed" valve
cover...no, never found anything out. I suspect that C.R. Chapman was just a
worker on the engine assembly line who got fed up with being an anonymous cog
in a big production process, whipped out his engraving tool and "immortalized"
himself on the A-series engine passing under his hands at that moment. Well, if
it made him feel better, good on him.

As I say, that's just my guess..until a better (or more interesting) theory
comes along.

Jim Algar
Valencia, CA U.S.A.

Dave O'Neill wrote:

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