What does the piece that goes between the oil filter adapter and the block
look like on a 1275?
I don't have any books that cover the later cars (yet).
I have a round piece that's maybe 2 or 3 inches long. This piece would bolt
between the adapter and the block using the same bolts. I also have a flat
piece about 1/2 inch thick and maybe 4 inches high that would bolt to the
block and then have the adapter bolted to it.
Are either one of these the correct piece?, or do I need something else?, or
nothing, I.E. adapter bolts directly to the block?
I don't have the actual adapter yet so can't tell by looking at that.
BTW got the 948 out of the car and just waiting for the flywheel to come
back from the shop before I install the 1275.
Larry Miller
God, grant me the Senility to forget the people I never liked anyway,
The good fortune to run into the ones that I do,
And the eyesight to tell the difference.