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latest noise

To: spridgets@autox.team.net
Subject: latest noise
From: Jeff Boatright <jboatri@emory.edu>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1999 07:22:27 -0400
Reply-to: Jeff Boatright <jboatri@emory.edu>
Sender: owner-spridgets@autox.team.net
On the way home from work yesterday, a new noise was born on the Sprite. It
is a  muffled "thum... thum... thum... thum..." that varies with road speed
but not engine rpm. It sounds like it's coming from the right rear
tire/wheel/bearing area. It does not sound like metal on metal. In fact, it
sounds like the beginnings of a flat tire, but the tire is not losing
pressure. It _may_ lessen with application of the brakes (by pedal or hand
brake), but I'm not 100% sure on that. I jacked the corner up and the noise
is not apparent when spinning the tire by hand. Unfortunately, I did not
have time to do anything else last night.

Any thoughts? Is this a sign of a rear bearing going bad? The tire did not
seem to have much side to side motion when I wiggled it.

Thanks is advance,


Jeff Boatright  '65 Sprite MkIII   __o_\__

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