I have to admit that I am lapsed member of 3 car clubs and even when I was a
member rarely went to events.
My experience is that you either race a car which I can't afford or show an
imaculate car which I can't afford. About a decade ago I did take my car to
a show and it was just about the tattiest car their and I have vowed not to
repeat the experience until I can at least get all the body panels the same
shade of red and free of rot if not minor rust.
I would go to events that were for tatty cars, basket cases, modified road
cars and greasy tech sessions.
Just my two pence worth
Daniel1312 \o/
In a message dated 19/10/99 19:07:29 GMT Daylight Time, Ajhsys@aol.com writes:
<< First of all, what you are experiencing is not
limited to your club, or motorsports in general. It happens everywhere. >>