Wow, have you folks been busy the past couple of days. Been cleaning the
garage and not keeping up on the e-mails. So here is some additional
information on the Texas Healey RoundUp 20.
April 7-8, 2000
at Inn of the Hills Conference Resort
Kerrville, TX
Gulf Coast Healey Club
C/O Edie Lowery
11203 Crayford Court
Houston, TX 77065-4172
Registration is $55
Saturday dinner is $24/person
Sunday brunch is $12.50/person
We have been able to attend this meet for the past two years and it is a
great event.
Bob and Annice
1960 Sprite (Mk IV in disguise)
1966 Sprite Mk III (in boxes) (Trevor ?)(almost out of the trailer and into
the garage)
Judson Supercharger (in boxes)