I agree with Gerard. I think the guy got scared off and will definately be
back since he knows what's in there.
From: Gerard Chateauvieux <pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com>
Wow... you are lucky to have not lost anything! I have a friend in San Jose
who had someone try to break into his shop in the middle of the night. He's
a light sleeper and was awaken by the noise of the guy trying to get in.
Besides the alarm he installed, all his tools are now chained down!
You might want to consider getting one of those wireless wall mounted
remote transmitters if your door opener is compatible. Disconnect that key
opener in case the guy was either casing the joint for later or
inadvertantly got scared off my a neighbor. The good thing about the
wireless wall mount is that you can take it with you when/if you move.
At 8:40 AM -0700 10/15/99, Greg Gowins wrote:
>Hello listers,
>I thought I'd share this little incident with y'all. I arrived home from
>work late last night and noticed the garage door was open. I live in an
>apartment complex and we have individual detached garages. I thought this
>was strange, because I hadn't worked on the Sprite in a couple of days, and
>therefore hadn't been in the garage. I investigated, and someone had broken
>in. The doors have a key mechanism to run the opener in case you don't have
>the remote. Someone had pried out the key mechanism and shorted across the
>wires, thus allowing them access to my Sprite, all my tools, by road racing
>bicycle, and all my camping equipment. They must not have been interested
>in any of that, because nothing was missing!!! The key to the Sprite was on
>the bench in the back, all of my tools and equipment (over $2500 worth)
>were all in their roll around Craftsman tool chest, my Tour de France level
>bike was resting against the wall, all of my camping equipment stacked up,
>and none of it was taken!!! I'm considering myself very lucky. In fact,
>I'm running out and buying a lottery ticket right now! I wonder if the guy
>who messed up my SPRITE plates is behind this???<grin> Looks like I dodged
>a bullet this time.
>Greg Gowins
>'69 Sprite
>Dublin, CA
If you can stay calm, while all around you is chaos... then you
probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the situation.
G G Gerard Chateauvieux
R R pixelsmith@gerardsgarage.com
R G Pixelsmith on Duty
S http://www.gerardsgarage.com