Good tip. All I did was to remove the webbing under the cushion so that
the cushion fell to the floor when I sat in it. It lowered me 4 inches or so
and the seat frame game me *some* lateral support.
It was still quite comfortable, but that maybe the somewhat generous
padding that my butt provided!
----- Original Message -----
From: David Laver <>
To: Mike Gigante <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Monday, 4 October 1999 18:47
Subject: Re: What I've been up to...
> > It is still in *full*
> > road trim
> > (even lambswool seat covers on standard seats!) but had a roll-cage
> > added of course.
> This made me remember a tip I've yet to pass on to the list...
> I've got a '65 MG Midget. I put in a cage and thought about a bucket seat
> came up with a cheap, effective, and easily reversable mod instead. I
made some
> seat sides out of wood. One jams in between the seat and the tunnel while
> other has a wedge at the front against the sill inner and a packing piece
at the
> back against the door pilliar. Took about an hour an a half to do by the
time I
> worked out how to clear the belts and how much to build up with wood
rather than
> foam. The seat is comfortable (standard cusion) but fits side to side
like it
> was made for me - well it was made for me!! I settled on wood to just
touch the
> sides of my legs then one layer of high density foam. Wrapped them like
> Christmas pressants in black vinal secured with short screws and cup
washers in
> places that wouldn't show.