Jeff Boatright wrote:
> The logo from the t-shirts [The word "Sridget" over the Sprite
> arrow, with the "DG" in an octagon, without cars or anything else] would be
> my vote.
In about 24 hours I have 85 stickers wanted.
I think we are going to roll with the idea.
I talked to my dad, he says $2 should be fine if we do a couple hundred.
Now for the actual design. Does someone have this "spridgets" logo they
can email me?
I only have it on the screen saver and everytime I try to nail it, my
screen saver turns off.
I think the logo needs a bit of color, Maybe the arrow going diagonal
across the circle but with something on top and bottom.
Design ideas welcome. I am no good at design.
"Drive it Like You Stole it"