The "invader" has departed and should be close to pulling in Ron's drive
(which is a LOT to expect<G><G>!!! Right Frank???)
Gave him EXTREMELY detailed maps on how to find me and I end up standing
in the middle of the street, waving my arms OVER my head (whilst he is less
than a block away!!!), yelling and whistling (after listening to Frogeye
first & reverse gears + exhaust [which are ALWAYS identfiable])?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Geeez, can't trust dem der Jurseits!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, he is just "truckin' on" and having a blast. Don't even look
"worse for the wear". 'Course since this was our first meeting, so I really
can't attest to how he looked to start with (especially after the concert, eh