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Wow, lots of answers--more information than I expected.
I went underneath the car and tightened every bolt I could find, and it
seems to ride a little smoother and tighter. Once I get the manual and the
time to look into everything in more detail (next weekend, hopefully) I'll
have some more questions.
I'm still hoping to find a good local mechanic, but I'll ask around my
neighborhood. There's a guy a few blocks away with a pristine '78 Midget
that he seems to never drive except to take it in for service every three
months. (Yes, I asked him about it, he wanted $10k...)
Anyway, the more I drive it, the more I love it. And for 10% the price of
my last car, how can I complain?
By the way, where is Goleta? Is that up by Santa Barbara?
One more question: My MR2 used to get very skittish over grooved road
surfaces at high speeds, and rebalancing the tires seemed to help
tremendously. The other thing that caused similar problems was that the
Toyota service people always insisted on inflating all four tires to the
same pressure, and if I forgot to check and fix that, the rear wheels would
wobble a little on grooved roads.
The Midget has the same problem (on the same parts of I-5... the light rail
is already up and running; so when are they going to stop construction for
it?). Could it be the same issue?
Thanks again,
Andy Payn
76 Midget
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