Hi all; I have just tried out the weirdest thing I've heard of lately that
actually works. My little brother works for an industrial painting
contractor that does all sorts of strange jobs around the country. The other
day he stopped by my garage while I was taking apart a starter to bead blast
when he told me about blasting the generators in a power station. They used
baking soda on them as the abrasive. Well, he bought me a couple of 50 lb
bags and I tried it out tonight in my blast cabinet. I used an old Ford
starter as the guinea pig and it came out just fine. It is a little dusty
and a little slower than glass beads but it doesn't hurt the motor so I can
put up with that. I also tried it on a blower motor I had laying around.
Same results, works just fine after blasting it off. That's a new one on me!
Jim K.