Jason Burden wrote:
> I was working on the Sprite yesterday, dropped the screwdriver... and you
> guessed it, a nice scratch about 6" on the door. I run my fingernail over it
> and its deep. I dont want to pay the big $$ to get it pro done, but i
> remember something about putting touch up paint on, then putting a piece of
> scotch tape over it till it dries?? Anyone got any info on that? I know it
> wont be a perfect match, but better than what it is now... any suggestions
> would be greatly appreciated.
If you have the paint, wipe the scratch clean a few times with lacquer
thinner to remove any dirt and wax.
Use a very small brush and fill in the scratch. Do NOT attempt to do it
all at once, brush the paint in the scratch once, let it tack up, do it
again, and again, it may take 5 or 6 coarts to fill in the scratch. You
want to fill it even with the surrounding paint and even make it stand
proud just a bit.
Wait a day or so (depending on the touch up paint) and sand it flat
using a flat sanding block and 1500 grit wet/dry sand paper. Do this
Once you fell it is flat, buff it with a bit of polishing compound (not
rubbing compound) and wax it.
If you take your time only you will know there was ever a scratch there.
Frank Clarici
Toms River, NJ
Bugeye Sprite
67 Sprite
59 A40