This is not neccessarily the date that feeds the apps. Sure it shows a 4
digit date now. Most older PC's including some of the early Pentiums had
a BIOS clock that was not programed to see a 4 digit year. Windows has to
get the date from the BIOS. And some apps will too, depending on how they
are written. In the hospital, where I work, we are still in the midst,
albeit near the end, of a 2 year Y2K evaluation. In our office we have a
couple of Dell 133 Pentiums we have had to replace and/or update the
motherboard to make them compliant. Most later Pentiums do have an
updated BIOS.
The solution is just not that simple for most older PC's. Several
companies sell BIOS clocks on a card for use in older 386, 486, and early
Pentium systems.
Some software companies - including Microsoft and Intuit (Quicken) -
admit that their software is not yet fully Y2K compliant. Microsoft will
NOT certify any of its Windows software as fully compliant. (partially to
CYA for legal reasons) They have even admitted that Win2000 may not be
compliant. They expect to release several patches for all Win
95/98/NT/2000 versions before the year is over (NT4.0 is expected to get
at least 3).
Sorry didn't mean to get on my high horse. But I have been the Y2K
coordinator for our dept for 2 years - and it ain't over yet!!
Larry (Whose Macs and UNIX boxes are compliant)
>>>>On 7/29/99 6:38 PM so and so ( said. (And I quote:)
>Just received this........make your own decisions. I did change mine.
> Here's a suggestion I hadn't heard about before and that I've followed
> regarding Y2K and Windows.
> Double click on "My Computer".
> Double click on "Control Panel".
> Double click on "Regional Settings" icon.
> Click on the "Date" tab at the top of the page.
> Where it says, "Short Date Sample", look and see if it shows a
> "two digit" year. Of course it does. That's the default setting
> for Windows 95, Windows 98 and NT. This date RIGHT HERE is the
> date that feeds application software and WILL NOT rollover in the
> year 2000. It will roll over to 00.
> Click on the button across from "Short Date Style" and select the
> option that shows, mm/dd/yyyy.
> (Be sure your selection has four Y's showing, not two)
> Then click on "Apply" and then click on "OK" at the bottom.
Larry Macy
78 Midget
Keep your top down and your chin up.
Larry B. Macy, Ph.D.
System Manager/Administrator
Neuropsychiatry Section
Department of Psychiatry
University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce St. - 10 Gates
Philadelphia, PA 19104
In a world without walls or fences, what use do we have for windows or