Cam timing
Ron Soave wrote:
> Well, after 18 years, it finally happened. I was
> stranded in my LBC today. Sure looked good on the
> flatbed.
> Coming home from work everything was fine with the
> Bugeye, then accelerating out of first the revs shot
> up. Immediately cut the engine and pulled into a
> parking lot. One of the bolts holding the hood prop
> was gone (it was fine last night). Into the woods to
> find a hood prop. Suitable log found. Propped hood,
> throttle was free and easy. Found dizzy pinch bolt
> loose. Tightened it up. Started it up, car sounded
> terrible. Tried playing with dizzy, no benefit. Took
> of K&N, started car again. Fuel puffing out the
> velocity stacks of the weber. Lean out idle mixture,
> no benefit. Open up carb, float seemed ok. Start
> again, no good, still farting fuel. Start pulling
> plug wires, NO EFFECT AT ALL. Strange. Figure now I
> got the car so out of tune it is almost hopeless. No
> timing light, so I try the dizzy "somewhere in the
> middle", as if this might work.
> Disconnected/connected Pertronix leads, nothing
> better. Opened carb again, now float seemed stuck.
> Getting warmer, me thinks. Smoke that previously
> mentioned sneek Marlboro (away from the fuel puddles
> of course). Raise float level a tad. No benefit. Go
> through several iterations of stuff, pray to St.
> Anthony and MOWOG, nothing. I give, car is spitting
> fuel, sounds like crap, won't go anywhere without
> massive backfiring from carb. Will check static
> timing, set idle timing, set weber idle to starting
> points, and pull plugs, etc. Bad coil, maybe coupled
> with stuck float??? Almost called Jersey information
> to call Clarici, but called tow truck instead. Any
> ither ideas???
> Thanks for listening,
> Ron